
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Selama 15 Tahun, Pria Ini Tak Sadar Ada Pensil di Dalam Kepalanya

       Jakarta, Seorang pria di Afghanistan hidup selama 15 tahun tanpa mengetahui bahwa ada sebatang pensil bersarang di kepalanya. Beruntung otaknya tidak mengalami kerusakan yang parah. Batang pensil sepanjang 10 cm tersebut kini sudah berhasil diambil oleh dokter di Jerman.

       Pria berusia 24 tahun yang tak disebutkan namanya ini awalnya mengalami sakit kepala yang parah selama bertahun-tahun. Belakangan, gejalanya makin memburuk disertai pilek yang tak kunjung sembuh dan penglihatan pada salah satu matanya memburuk.

        Tak tahan dengan penyakitnya, dia memutuskan untuk mencari bantuan dokter di tahun 2011 lalu. Ternyata, hasil pemindaian tomografi komputer menemukan di dalam kepala pria tersebut bersarang pensil yang melintang dari sinus ke faring, bahkan telah melukai sebagian rongga matanya.

         Terang saja para dokter kaget mendapati hal ini. Ketika ditanya, pria tersebut mengaku tidak tahu menahu bagaimana bisa ada pensil yang bisa masuk ke dalam kepalanya. Namun yang dia ingat, ketika masih kanak-kanak, dia pernah pingsan dan mengalami mimisan yang parah.

          Seperti dilansir Counsel and Heal, Kamis (30/5/2013), pria tersebut lalu menjalani operasi di Aachen University Hospital di Jerman untuk mengambil pensil dari dalam kepalanya. Dalam konferensi kedokteran di Essen, Jerman, profesor Frank Hoelzle dari Aachen University mengatakan bahwa kini pria tersebut sudah pulih.

          Dalam presentasinya, selain menunjukkan kasus tersebut, Prof Frank juga mengatakan bahwa tidak ada efek samping yang dialami pria Afghanistan tersebut akibat operasi dan pengobatan yang dilakukan oleh timnya.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lake Toba Indonesia

danau tob...      The world famous crater lake of Danau (Lake) Toba is the third biggest tourist destination of Indonesia. The island in the huge lake, Pulau Samosir, attracts many tourists. Lake Toba is the largest lake in Southeast Asia, once created by an enormous eruption less than 100.000 years ago. The eruption was approximately 8.000 times more powerful than the eruption of Mount St. Helen in 1981. Ashes in the stratosphere circled around the earth for years and changed the climate. As things began to settle another volcanic eruption happened about 25.000 years later and built up a secondary volcano inside the caldera. The cone of that volcano collapsed and formed the island Samosir while the crater of the first eruption filled with water, what to become Danau Toba.
        The lake covers approximately 1.265 square km excluding Samosir and is 90 km long. The depth is in on average 450m and up to 900m in some places. The lake is situated at an altitude of 906 m above sea level. The steep coastline interspersed with small valleys creates fantastic scenery and isolated areas. The deepest end and the highest mountains are at its northeastern end. The Dutchman H.N. van der Tuuk was the first European who saw and reported about the lake, in 1847.

         There are of course legends on how Lake Toba was formed. The following is a Batak Toba legend: Once upon a time there was a man living in the area of the present day Danau Toba. No one knew when or from where he came. He lived in a simple hut in a farming area. He had a garden and did some fishing. One day he caught a big fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch ever in his life. Back home the fish turned into a beautiful princess decorated with jewels. He fell in love with her and proposed to her. She nodded romantically, however, the princess had one condition. The man had to promise never to tell anyone that she had been a fish. If he would, there would be a disaster. They married and got a daughter and lived happily. The daughter always brought lunch to her father out in the fields. The girl was however very greedy and one day she ate all her father’s lunch. Her father got angry and scolded: “You damned daughter of a fish!” The princess started to cry when she heard what her husband had said. She told her daughter to go to the hills, as there would be a disaster. When the daughter had left for safety the princess prayed. Soon there was an earthquake, rain started to fall and springs appeared everywhere. The whole area got flooded and became Lake Toba. The princess turned into a fish again and the father became the island of Samosir.

       According to a Simalungun legend, told in Pematang Raya, there was once a mountain called Gunung Tuhaweoba in the area where Lake Toba is now. (Tuhaweoba is also the name of a kind of pepper). A long time ago the mountain exploded, Lake Toba was formed and the people were divided. Those on the western side of the lake became the Batak Toba and on the eastern side Batak Simalungun. The word Tuhaweoba changed over time to Tuba and later to Toba.

       The traditional Batak canoe, the solu, was 10-15m long. All had the same width. The canoes of the chiefs were decorated with carvings. The captain, the Chief, sat in front and gave orders. The solu had its own spirit and when a new canoe was built offerings were made for both the canoe spirit and to Boru Saniang Naga, the Goddess of the water. Bataks feared her as disasters could easily happen when she was angry.
        Many years ago Lake Toba reached its lowest water level ever, which caused problems, for example for tourism. The level had then fallen several meters and the lake was a rather depressing sight for people who had seen it before. The reasons for the falling water level were deforestation and over consumption of water by a pulp factory and a hydroelectric power plant near Porsea. The companies consumed more water than the capacity of Lake Toba allowed. After strong and sometimes violent protests from the local communities, the pulp factory, Indorayon, was closed down. The protests were based on many different interests and concerns, amongst others of course environmental concern.


Kepalkan Tangan untuk Memperbaiki Memori

        KOMPAS.com - Paling kesal kalau kita mencoba mengingat sesuatu, dan hal tersebut seolah sudah berkelebat dalam ingatan, namun tak berhasil kita ungkapkan. Kalau sudah begini, coba kepalkan tangan Anda.
Menurut para peneliti dari Montclair State University, mengepalkan tangan kanan selama 90 detik bisa memperbaiki formasi memori, sedangkan mengepalkan tangan kiri selama 90 detik bisa membantu mengembalikan memori. Tindakan mengepalkan tangan ini mengaktifkan pusat-pusat memori tertentu di dalam otak.
"Mengepalkan tangan kanan segera sebelum memelajari informasi, dan mengepalkan tangan kiri sebelum mengingatnya, akan membantu memperbaiki memori," ujar Dr Ruth Propper, yang menyusun penelitian ini.

        Timnya menguji kemampuan 50 orang dewasa dalam mengingat kata-kata dari sebuah daftar yang panjang. Responden dibagi menjadi lima kelompok: kelompok pertama yang mengepalkan tangan kanan selama 90 detik sebelum mengingat daftar kata-kata, kemudian mengepalkannya kembali sebelum mengumpulkan kata-kata itu kembali. Kelompok kedua melakukan hal yang sama, namun dengan tangan kiri.

         Kelompok ketiga dan keempat mengepalkan satu tangan ketika memelajari kata-kata, dan mengepalkan tangan yang lain sebelum mengingatnya, dan kelompok kelima tidak mengepalkan tangan sama sekali.

         Terlihat, kelompok yang mengepalkan tangan kanannya ketika memelajari daftar kata-kata tersebut, dan mengepalkan lagi tangan kirinya ketika diminta mengingat kembali kata-kata tersebut, menunjukkan hasil terbaik. Dr Propper pun menyimpulkan bahwa gerakan tubuh yang sederhana bisa mengubah cara otak berfungsi.

          Dalam penelitian yang pernah dilakukan sebelumnya, mengepalkan tangan kiri mengaktifkan sisi kanan pada otak, sedangkan mengepalkan tangan kanan mengaktifkan otak kiri. Pada dasarnya memori menggunakan kedua sisi pada otak: bagian kanan untuk mengingat kembali memori, dan yang kiri untuk menyandikan memori. Oleh karena itu, peneliti ingin menguji apakah mengaktifkan setiap sisi bisa membantu menajamkan memori.

           Meski begitu, studi ini dinilai tidak cukup akurat untuk menggambarkan kesimpulan semacam itu. Olivier Piguet, peneliti utama dari Neuroscience Research Australia, mengatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip yang mendasari studi ini memang menarik. Yaitu bahwa dengan mendukung aktivasi bagian otak tertentu kita bisa membantu mendukung aktivitas kognitif yang lain.

            "Namun aktivasi otak yang berkaitan dengan tangan yang mengepal agak terpisah dari bagian otak yang terlibat selama memelajari kata-kata. Koneksi langsung antara dua bagian inilah yang bagi saya tampak tidak mungkin," jelasnya,

             Selain itu, studi hanya menyebutkan bahwa responden terdiri atas orang dewasa sehat berusia 18-84 tahun, dan kebanyakan perempuan. Tidak diuraikan apakah setiap grup terdiri atas orang-orang dari berbagai usia (yang dalam hal ini merupakan variabel penting). Mengingat daftar kata-kata adalah kemampuan yang paling baik dilakukan di usia akhir belasan tahun atau awal 20-an, dan cenderung menurun secara konsisten seiring bertambahnya usia.

Sumber : www.Kompas.com

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ibu Meninggal Saat Hamil Tua, Hidup Kembali Usai Lahirkan Bayi

        Jakarta, Sebuah peristiwa ajaib terjadi di Texas, AS. Seorang ibu hamil meninggal saat kandungannya sudah berumur 9 bulan. Dalam kondisi jantung tak berdetak, dia melahirkan bayinya dan kemudian membuatnya hidup kembali.

        Erica Nigrelli (32 tahun) berprofesi sebagai guru SMA di Elkins High School, Missoury City, Texas dan tengah hamil 36 minggu. Suatu ketika, tiba-tiba dia pingsan di lorong sekolah karena jantungnya berhenti berdetak. Rekan-rekannya pun segera melakukan CPR.

        Suami Nigrelli, Nathan, yang juga bekerja sebagai guru di sekolah yang sama, segera menuju tempat istrinya ketika diberitahu bahwa Erica pingsan. Mendapati istrinya dalam kondisi seperti itu, dia langsung menelpon saluran gawat darurat 911 dan memanggil ambulans.

        "Istri saya mengalami kejang. Dia di lantai. Oh, Tuhan! Dia hamil dan dia berbusa. Tidak responsif," katanya ketika itu lewat telepon seperti dilansir International Business Times, Minggu (26/5/2013).

         Dalam upaya menolong nyawa Erica, petugas menggunakan defibrillator untuk mengejutkan jantungnya. Tim paramedis mengangkutnya ke rumah sakit terdekat untuk menjalani bedah caesar guna menyelamatkan bayi dalam kandungan. Saat itu jantung Erica tak juga berdetak. Dia dinyatakan meninggal.

         Akhirnya bayi dalam kandungan Erica berhasil dilahirkan dengan selamat. Secara teknis, proses kelahiran ini disebut dengan kelahiran postmortem atau persalinan pasca kematian. Tapi ajaib, setelah dokter mengeluarkan bayi dari perutnya, Erica tiba-tiba hidup kembali. Dokter lalu memasang alat pacu jantung untuk membuatnya bertahan hidup.

         Erica dan bayinya menghabiskan waktu beberapa minggu dalam perawatan intensif. Kini bayi tersebut sudah berusia 3 bulan dan diberi nama Elayna. Ibunya didiagnosis dengan kondisi jantung yang disebut hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, di mana dinding otot jantung menebal secara abnormal.

          "Nampaknya saya sempat bilang kepada teman bahwa saya merasa sangat lemas dan saya meletakkan kepala saya. Saya pada dasarnya hanya pingsan," kata Nigrelli yang ketika itu pingsan di depan rekan kerjanya.

Sumber : http://health.detik.com

Saturday, May 25, 2013

6 Reasons Why Men Cheat

Why men cheat         Ah, infidelity. Ain't it grand? Ha, just kidding -- anyone who's done it before knows it sucks. At best, you keep your mouth shut about a one-time slip and carry on for the duration of the relationship knowing that you're a grade-A dickbag. At worst, you're having a full-blown affair and one day you wake up and three-quarters of everyone you know hates you because they found out. Not a good look, as they say.

And yet, we persist. Well, "we" as in men, not "we" including me, but I've been there before. I've done it. But why? Why have so many of us at some point in our lives done what we all know to be the cardinal no-no in relationships? Some blame biology and our predilection to spread our genes as far and wide as possible. Technically, it's true. Reproductively speaking, indiscriminate lady boning is the most efficient way to ensure that the species flourishes. The problem is that it's been about 50,000 years since our survival was ever in question. After all, it was humans (or puffins, or penguins, I can't be sure) who invented "mating for life." Why can most men get it right, while others can't?

        What follows is a list of "reasons" why men cheat. Reason might not be the right word, because it implies a lack of control or premeditation. That said, they aren't really excuses, either, because an excuse is usually something you offer in lieu of a truer, more embarrassing explanation. What do we call them then? Good question. Without further adieu or confusion, here are the top 6 things related to why men cheat on their ladies.

6. They aren't having it as much as they'd like to
       Let's all be adults here and agree that after a certain age, we commit to someone because we like her an awful lot and need a socially defensible way to sleep with her on the regular. I'm not trying to belittle anyone's moral or religious views on the issue, nor is sex the most important part of a healthy relationship. But it is a big part, and as adults it's really what separates friendship from romantic involvement. If you're in an emotionally fulfilling but sexually inadequate relationship, it can almost be more frustrating than having no one at all. For guys unwilling to have a difficult conversation or jettison an incomplete relationship, cheating is often seen as an option.

5. They were cheated on
        If you're in high school or are just really immature, this probably makes a lot of sense. She cheated on you, but you love her too much to end it, so you figure evening the score will iron everything out. It's tempting for any guy too weak or love-drunk to make tough decisions, although never in the history of mankind has hurting someone made you feel less hurt yourself. And, fellas, here's a tip: If she cheated on you, she's probably already checked out to the point where you turning the tables isn't going to phase her much. If anything, you're just validating feelings she already had.

 4. They want to know they've "still got it"

        Everyone has a deep-seated need to feel wanted and attractive, not just by their significant other, but by the public at large. That's why you clean yourself up when you're just going out with your bros, or why your ladyfriend puts on makeup even if she's just going shopping. Even the occasional harmless flirting by or with an attractive member of the opposite sex can put a little extra pep in your step, and that's fine, because it's likely your partner who will reap the benefits. For a truly insecure man, though, that won't be enough. He needs to actually score in order to feel validated. If you combine the insecurity here with the barren sexual lake beds of No. 6, it's almost (almost) understandable why some men stray.

3. They couldn't say "no"

       If we're being honest, it's not often that gorgeous women walk around waving their hoo-has in our faces and handing out open invitations for sexual intercourse. Still, I think most men have, at some point in their lives, had an attractive woman really come on strong to them. How we handle it depends on several factors, dating status presumably chief among them. Single? Great, hit it like it owes you money. Not single? You know what the answer should be, but do you have the willpower? The kind of man who gives into this kind of temptation is often less experienced with women, and despite his being spoken for, believes it to be an opportunity he can't pass up. But if you've been around the block a time or two, you see that kind of come-on for what it is: abnormal, desperate and kind of a turnoff. If it helps, you can say you couldn't blame her because you're so handsome.

2. They find their partner less appealing than before

       Sometimes in a long-term relationship, people let themselves go. Maybe she's gained a ton of weight, maybe she's developed a drinking problem or maybe she just can't seem to get her sh*t together in general. Whatever it is, the problem with familiarity is that you don't notice these things as they happen over time, the way you would with a friend or relative you don't see very often. Instead, all of a sudden, you wake up one day and realize the creature sharing your apartment is a far cry from the girl you first said "I love you" to. Again, for some men, it comes down to choosing between having a difficult (potentially fruitless) discussion or just chasing tail elsewhere.

1. The love is lost

        Here's a fun exercise if you're single: Go find an ex you truly couldn't care less about anymore, and have sex with her. Not quite what it used to be, is it? Love (or at least feelings), we learn as we get older, is a big part of what makes great sex great. Take those away, and you're just two animals humping. It's why one-night stands usually kind of suck, and why the aforementioned ex-sex is at best disappointing. When that happens, it's tempting to replace those lost feelings with the excitement that comes with meeting and bedding someone new. It's a poor substitute and, ultimately, delays the inevitable.

       So are these reasons? Explanations? Let's call them rationalizations, something between a reason and an excuse. Whatever a man tells himself (or his partner) to rationalize his infidelity, it belies the simple fact that he is involved in something in which he does not fully wish to be involved. If you feel like you're going to cheat, try to determine if it's for any of the above reasons (or something altogether different) and see if it can be resolved. If not, suck it up, be a man and get out. Cheating, above all else, is an act of disrespect and cowardice.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Tanah Lot (Bali-Indonesia)

Tanah Lot Temple is located in coastal side of Beraban countryside, Kediri sub district and Tabanan Regency. It is situated in 30 Km in west side of Denpasar town and about 11 Km in south side of Tabanan town. The temple is built on the rock with 3 acre size and reachable in a few minute by walk, because it is just 20 meters from the coastal lip. This temple is very famous among tourist destinations in Bali with spectacular view of sunset. At some nooks of coral reef around Tanah Lot Temple there are holy tame snake in black and white color where according to the local society believe that it as a deity property and as the guard of the temple from the bad influence.


        The word of Tanah Lot is consisted of two words that are Tanah word interpreted as a reef looking like gili or isle. Lot or Lod word has meaning the sea. So Tanah Lot is meaning the small island floating on the sea. The location is now called as Tanah Lot has been used at a Megalithic period as a place that looked into holy, proven from the existence of menhir. Pursuant to environmental condition, hence the structure of Tanah Lot Temple is built at irregular reef plain of its angle which is only consisted of one plain yard as Jeroan.


      The function of this temple can be realized from the function of the main temple building which is located in the temple main area. In this place, there is a main temple to worship the god in form of Dewa Baruna or Bhatara Segara, the sea power. The media of worship to this god is the temple building with 5 storied meanwhile the 3 storied temple building in north part of this area is purposing to worship to Dang Hyang Nirartha.

      In order to know the status of Tanah Lot Temple can be realized from the temple history, function and also incoming devotee existence pray when temple ceremony is held.
The unique animal can be seen in this temple area is the snake which are generally can be met in the coast. Part of its stomach there are no athwart skin, there is only small skin, but this sea water snake very noxious but snakebite case are very seldom happened, because the sea water snake generally very passive.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

BlackBerry Ijinkan BBM Berjalan di iOS dan Android

      Para pembaca pasti sedikit bingung dan terkejut saat membaca judul berita ini. Vendor asal Amerika ini telah mengumumkan pada ajang BlackBerry Live 2013 kemarin, bahwa layanan mereka yang paling anyar yaitu BBM akan lintas platform yang berarti BBM bisa digunakan pada iOS dan Android.
Langkah yang dilakukan BlackBerry ini sudah lama jadi perbincangan sepanjang tahun 2012. Tapi tetap saja banyak orang kaget akan berita ini. Untuk para pengguna Android aplikasi BBM ini hanya bisa digunakan iOS 6 ke atas dan Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
        CEO BlackBerry Thorsten Heins, memberi informasi tentang kepastian bahwa BBM akan hadir sebagai aplikasi third party, dimana aplikasi ini akan hadir untuk dan iOS dan Android sekitar bulan Julia tau Agustus tahun ini. Selain itu juga Heins menambahkan dengan hadirnya platform BlackBerry 10 meyakinkan mereka bahwa BBM semakin kuat sehingga mampu disebarkan ke sistem lain.
           Untuk pembukaan, BBM di Android dan iOS hanya akan disandang dengan fitur-fitur yang standar, seperti pengirim pesan  dan group. Namun Heins sebagai CEO BlackBeryy berjanji bahwa aka nada pengembangan pada fitur-fiturnya, yaitu akan adanya BBM Video, Voice, dan Screen Share. (bebby)

Editor: Source: URL:
Bhinneka Post Mashable http://mashable.com

Friday, May 17, 2013

Lake Kelimutu (Flores - Indonesia)

      Flores is a combination word of "keli" meaning mountain and the word "quality" which means to boil. According to local belief, the colors on the lake Flores has the meaning of each and have a very powerful natural forces.

        Lake Flores is Kelimutu mountain top, when traveling from the airport reached Frans Seda, Maumere approximately 83 km. To reach the lake, located about 51 kilometers east of the town of Ende, tourists can use the motor vehicle from Ende, also can use the intercity bus and headed to the village of Moni .. Landscape in the region is very charming. Thick white fog that moves slowly cover the top of Mount Kelimutu (approximately 1,640 meters above sea level) is a very typical sight around three colored lake at the summit of the mountain.
Lake or Tiwu Flores in the top three sections corresponding to the color - the color that is in the lake. Blue lake or "Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai" is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died. The lake is colored red or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is a gathering place for the souls of the dead and as long as he lived always commit a crime / magick. While the lake is white or "Tiwu Mbupu Ata" is a gathering place for the souls of deceased parents.Flores entered the district of Ende, and to rise to the top of Kelimutu must be done in the morning at 03.00 am, due at 10:00 pm the weather is usually foggy summit lake already. To reach the top of Lake Flores is 14 km from the place of accommodation (homestay / bungalow), with the use of motor vehicles connected by foot.


       A number of the suspect, change the color of the water in the lake due to Kelimutu volcano activity, refracting sunlight, the micro biota water, the dissolved chemical substances, as well as due to the reflection color of the walls and bottom of the lake. A brief explanation that the water color changes to blue-white (now green) is made possible by changes in the chemical composition of the water crater due to changes in volcanic gases, or may also be due to rising temperatures.Meanwhile, the increasing concentration of iron (Fe) in the fluid causes the red color to black (dark brown now). The moss green moss species possible from biota tertentu.Lalu about the wall of separation between Tiwu nua muri ko'o fai with Tiwu ata polo is given a brief explanation that the geology of the corner, the wall of the lake is the most unstable. With the adjacent position, especially if there is an earthquake with large scale, it is possible both lakes
will menyatu.Selain that, given the Flores Island including seismic area, necessary studies to be able to inform travelers on where to shelter locations when around Lake Kelimutu .The locals believe that the lake is the third color change indicates that natural phenomena will arise like a volcano erupting, the landslides, natural disasters or other calamities.In the colonial period, Lake Flores was found by Van Suchtelen, Dutch government officials in 1915. This lake is known as Father Bouman started publishing articles about Kelimutu Lake. The volcanic lake is considered magical or mysterious, because the lake is the third color change over time. Originally Lake Flores is known to have three colors, namely red, white and blue, in some documents, which are now black lake, before 1970 red, as shown in the bills RI Rp 5,000 long.

Sumber : http://www.orangflores.com/danau-kelimutu.html

Thursday, May 16, 2013

10 Things Never to Say to Your Mother-in-Law

By Rachel Rabkin Peachman
It's no secret that daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law have complicated relationships. "Both women can feel threatened," says Deanna Brann, PhD, psychotherapist and author of Reluctantly Related: Secrets to Getting Along with Your Mother-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law. Daughters-in-law want to establish their place in the family, while mothers-in-law want to ensure they're not excluded. Even when the women love each other, their roles can be hard to figure out. To avoid causing family stress, we asked real mothers-in-law (and some daughters-in-law too) about comments that have rubbed them the wrong way-and asked experts how you can address issues peacefully. Photo by Getty Images

1. "You're welcome to come over any time. We're always here for you."

An open-door policy is bound to backfire. For instance, Judy's* daughter-in-law told her she'd be there for her if she needed anything. "But when my husband developed Alzheimer's she went AWOL," leaving Judy hurt and confused. "Making promises you don't intend to keep leads to resentment," says Tina B. Tessina, PhD, psychotherapist and author of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting About the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage. Instead, set up times to see each other that work for you both. If you're asked to make plans on the spot, say you need to check your calendar or talk with your husband before committing.

Related: 11 Signs He Might Be Having An Affair.

2. "I didn't ask for your opinion."
"When I advised my daughter-in-law about balancing career and family, she became incensed," says Kathleen.* While unsolicited advice may feel like your mother-in-law's condemning your way, "assume her intentions are good, say 'thank you' and do your own thing," says Dr. Tessina. If she continues to push her opinions, deflect them by citing an authority. Try: "Thank you, but we've decided to take our pediatrician's advice," suggests Dr. Tessina. If that doesn't keep her quiet, recruit your husband and explain together that her behavior bothers you both and certain topics aren't up for discussion.

3. "I can't believe you voted for him."

Politics, religion and other hot-button topics can turn a family dinner into a battleground. "During a conversation about politics, our daughter-in-law forcefully told us our view was wrong-I was stunned," says Sharon.* If you can't keep your cool in these situations, Dr. Brann suggests begging off from the conversation by saying, "Politics really gets me going; I'd better stay out of this!" If you enter the fight, no one comes out a winner.

4. "Why didn't you teach your son to..."
Many wives blame their mothers-in-law for their hubbies' shortcomings. "I hinted to her that I wished she'd taught my husband organizational skills," admits Sarah.* "She took offense and called me uptight." Not surprising. "What's your mother-in-law going to do other than get defensive?" asks Dr. Brann. It also involves her in your marriage, which can get messy, and prevents your husband from taking responsibility for his own actions. "Though it may seem easier to fault the mom, you and your husband should deal with your own issues," says Dr. Brann.

5. "I just feel more comfortable with my family."
A common complaint among mothers-in-law? Their daughters-in-law favor their own parents, says Dr. Brann. "My daughter-in-law celebrates every holiday with her family; her parents' photos are all over the house and there are none of me and my husband," says Kathleen. While it's reasonable to feel more at ease with your parents, "daughters-in-law need to accept that they've joined a family and figure out how to include them," says Dr. Brann. Step one: Talk with your husband about things like where to spend each holiday. Then, together, set those terms with family members. If your hubby wants to include his family more, "it's OK for him to have alone time with them and for you to drop off the kids with them sometimes," says Dr. Tessina.

6. "I hope I inherit your armoire."
"My daughter-in-law said she bought an armoire because, as she put it, 'I was hoping to inherit yours, but I couldn't wait any longer,' as though I couldn't drop dead fast enough!" says Judy. Conversations about inheritance should be between your husband, his siblings and his parents-not you. "You have no right to your mother-in-law's property," says Dr. Tessina. "If she brings up passing things down to you, wonderful-but a daughter-in-law shouldn't initiate the conversation.

Related: 10 Things Your Husband Should Never Do.

7. "We're too busy to see you."
"My mother-in-law wants to see us more than we want to see her, and she doesn't respond well when we say we have other obligations," says Sarah. Once again, join forces with your husband to talk to your mother-in-law. "Kindly tell her how often you can see her to establish clear expectations and prevent surprises," says Dr. Tessina. One tactic: "We love seeing you, but it's also important to keep up with friends and have time for ourselves." If she ambushes you with a plan, say, "That date doesn't work for us, but we could do that activity the next time we're scheduled to see you."

8. "Could you talk to your daughter for me?"

Sibling squabbles are tricky, but you'll get nowhere asking for your mother-in-law's help. "We hired my sister-in-law to babysit while I worked, but she kept cancelling, so I asked my mother-in-law to talk to her," says Melissa.* Instead, her mother-in-law stood up for her daughter and got angry with Melissa. "Involving your mother-in-law is asking her to take sides," says Dr. Brann. Unless you're dealing with a major issue such as alcoholism, sibling scuffles should stay between siblings.

9. "Don't plan on seeing the kids all the time."

"If it were up to my daughter-in-law, she would cut us out of our grandchildren's lives," says Kathleen. This would be a shame, says Dr. Tessina, because "seeing personality differences teaches kids how to negotiate various situations." If you're worried your in-laws might harm your children-say, they're smoking around them-then you and your husband need to tell them to stop, or else they won't see the kids. "If you set a consequence and follow through, it won't take long before your in-laws cooperate," says Dr. Brann.

Related: The Top Reasons Why Marriages Fail
10. "It's better if your son talks to you."
"My son does all the communicating," says Susan.* "I didn't even hear from my daughter-in-law when my husband was in the hospital. The message we're getting is 'stay away.'" While your husband should deal with his family on many issues, don't hide behind him to avoid contact with your mother-in-law. "You need a relationship with your in-laws so your husband isn't resentful of always being in the middle," says Dr. Tessina. Plus, seeing you interact with your in-laws will help your kids feel comfortable having a relationship with them.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hati-hati, Cahaya LED Sebabkan Kerusakan Permanen Retina Mata

Jakarta, Belakangan makin banyak produk elektronik yang menggunakan teknologi LED seperti televisi, monitor komputer atau ponsel layar sentuh karena dianggap sebagai salah satu cara terbaik untuk menghemat listrik. Tapi tak banyak yang tahu jika teknologi penyimpan energi ini justru berbahaya bagi mata.

Seorang peneliti dari Complutense University, Madrid, Spanyol melaporkan bahwa paparan cahaya LED dapat menyebabkan kerusakan permanen pada retina mata manusia.

"Pasalnya cahaya dari LED (light-emitting diodes) berasal dari spektrum cahaya berwarna biru dan ungu yang energinya tinggi namun gelombangnya pendek," kata si peneliti, Dr. Celia Sánchez-Ramos.

"Jika terpapar cahaya ini secara terus-menerus, entah itu dari monitor komputer, ponsel, layar televisi hingga cahaya lampu dalam atau luar ruangan maka cahaya ini sanggup merusak retina mata manusia," tambahnya.

Menurut Sánchez-Ramos, masalah akan bertambah lebih buruk karena manusia terus terpapar perangkat-perangkat elektronik ini dan anak-anak telah menggunakannya sejak usianya masih dini, baik di sekolah maupun di rumah.

"Manusia modern membuka mata mereka sekitar 6.000 jam dalam setahun dan terus terpapar cahaya buatan tersebut pada sebagian besar waktunya. Padahal mata tidak dirancang untuk menatap langsung ke cahaya, tapi didesain untuk melihat sesuatu dengan bantuan cahaya," terang Sánchez-Ramos seperti dilansir Livescience, Selasa (14/5/2013).

Komentar tersebut didasarkan pada studi yang dilakukannya bersama rekan-rekannya pada tahun 2012 dan dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Photochemistry and Photobiology. Singkatnya, studi itu menemukan bahwa radiasi LED dapat menyebabkan kerusakan signifikan pada sel-sel epitel pigmen retina.

Untuk itu, Sánchez-Ramos menyarankan agar orang-orang mengenakan kacamata yang dilengkapi UV filter dan banyak mengonsumsi makanan yang kaya akan vitamin A agar retina terlindung dari kerusakan.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ya Ampun, Tang 18 Cm Bersemayam di Tubuh Perempuan Ini

Jakarta, Operasi memang dilakukan untuk mengatasi beberapa keluhan penyakit. Namun terkadang kegiatan medis ini menimbulkan efek samping dan risiko medis seperti tertinggalnya peralatan operasi di tubuh pasien.

Seperti yang dialami Donna Bowett (42), misalnya. Dikutip dari Dailymail, Minggu (12/5/2013), Donna menemukan ada tang yang tertinggal di dalam tubuhnya pasca operasi yang ia jalani. Kelalaian ini dilakukan oleh pihak National Health Service (NHS).

Kejadian ini bermula pada bulan Februari 2009 ketika ibu 4 anak ini pergi ke Alexandra Hospital di Worcestershire untuk melakukan operasi 'keyhole' atau yang lebih dikenal dengan operasi invasif minimal. Operasi ini ia lakukan untuk mengangkat kantong empedunya, tetapi dokter melakukan kelalaian yang menyebabkan tang tertinggal dalam tubuh Donna usai operasi.

Dituturkan Donna, berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan x-ray setelah ia melakukan operasi menunjukkan adanya perangkat medis dalam dirinya. Akibatnya, 4 tahun setelah kejadian itu Donna mengakui ia tidak bisa berjalan-jalan bersama anjingnya, bermain badminton ataupun tenis sebab terlalu menyakitkan baginya.

"Rasa sakit itu mengerikan dan saya tidak tahu mengapa. Ketika saya melihat hasil pemeriksaan x-ray, saya sangat terkejut," tambahnya. Ia masih tidak habis pikir bagaimana hal itu bisa terjadi dalam dunia medis.

Selama empat tahun terakhir terdapat 762 kejadian serius yang disebut 'never events' (kesalahan yang seharusnya tidak terjadi) di beberapa rumah sakit NHS. Kejadian ini termasuk 322 kasus alat-alat medis yang tertinggal dalam operasi tubuh, 214 kasus salah mengoperasi organ atau anggota tubuh.

Ratusan pasien bisa memiliki masalah serius jangka panjang, bahkan beberapa dari mereka bisa meninggal setelah operasi akibat kelalaian ini. Hal ini bisa terjadi jika operasi dilakukan pada organ yang salah atau akibat dari tertinggalnya perangkat bedah di dalam tubuh pasien.

Atas kejadian ini para ahli medis mengatakan bahwa kejadian seperti ini sering diremehkan karena ribuan insiden seperti ini tidak pernah dilaporkan. Beberapa pasien mengungkapkan bahwa kesalahan seperti ini membuat beberapa bagian tubuh mereka tidak berfungsi atau mengalami sakit yang parah.

Sayangnya, insiden seperti ini tidak pernah diekspos. Tetapi, Ian Cohen seorang praktisi hukum Goodmans Law di Liverpool mengatakan bahwa kasus seperti ini bisa jadi sebenarnyalebih banyak lagi karena NHS hanya memiliki 25 catatan kategori jenis kesalahan.

Ratusan ribu kesalahan lain yang berada di luar kategori ini terjadi setiap tahun, tetapi tidak pernah dilaporkan. Ian juga berpendapat bahwa rumah sakit tidak memiliki insentif untuk melaporkan 'never events' karena mereka harus mengganti biaya prosedur untuk NHS serta membayar untuk perawatan jangka panjang pasien. Menurutnya angka ini akan semakin memuncak.

Insiden ini juga mendapat tanggapan dari dr Mike Durkin, Direktur Keselamatan Pasien untuk NHS Inggris, ia mengatakan bahwa kelalaian seperti ini tidak boleh dibiarkan terjadi sama sekali. "Satu saja sudah terlalu banyak untuk setiap minggunya, setiap harinya, dan di setiap rumah sakit," katanya.

Selain Donna, ada seorang wanita diketahui meninggal setelah staf medis salah menempatkan selang di paru-parunya selama ia menjalani pengobatan stroke.

Sumber : http://health.detik.com

5 Signs You Need End Your On-Again Off-Again Relationship for Good

We've seen celebs and our friends get trapped in those on-again off-again romances, but when do you know for sure that it really needs to be over? Relationship coach Teagin Maddox told us the deal on how to decide whether it's worth picking up the pieces or not.
By Ariel Nagi

1. You Keep Looking For More Evidence
If you're spending your relationship feeling insecure a majority of the time, that's a bad sign. First of all, you've got to trust your gut that if something constantly feels off, then it probably is. And this issue starts early on. A lot of times when we get involved with a guy we're told to look out for so-called red flags before things get too serious. The problem with this is that we usually look for obvious things, like whether he's disrespectful or a cheater, but we disregard smaller, subtle signs. "This is a trap, because we excuse the little things and tell ourselves we need more evidence, something bigger," Maddox says. We then become involved in a relationship where we don't sweat the small stuff and keep telling ourselves it's no big deal until he makes a bigger mistake. This can be a part of the reason we continue to forgive and makeup.

Related: How To Fight With Your Boyfriend

2. You're "Training" Him to Be Better
A big issue women have is that we think we can train men how to be in a relationship. "The right man doesn't need to be trained on what you want and how you should be treated," Maddox says. When we are constantly focused on trying to make him better, we lose sight of more important parts of a relationship, like communicating.

3. You're Waiting, Hoping He Will Change
Each time he makes a mistake, we sit around hoping he will snap out of it and change someday. The problem is, we'll turn into old ladies by the time that happens! "What we do wrong is we wait too long and ride it out," Maddox says. Waiting too long can get us accustomed to his actions and eventually lowers our standards for him. In the future, this can screw around with the types of men we settle for. "You will end up picking a guy who is the same or worse," Maddox warns.

Related: Should You Be Jealous If Your Boyfriend's Best Friend is a Girl?

4. You Keep Breaking Up For the Same Reasons
Analyze the reason you keep breaking up, then making up. If he screws up once and makes a promise, the promise should be kept even if he has to climb mountains to keep it! Maybe your guy will change for a month, and we get so excited that when he messes up again we're convinced that he can change again and actually "get it" this time around. "The issue can be that he can't change, not that he won't change," Maddox says.

5. You Forgive Him Out of Fear
A common reason we never put a complete end to these types of relationships is because we are afraid of letting the other person go for many reasons, ranging from the fact that we'd hate to see them with someone else, we're close to their family or friends, we have children with them, or some other personal, emotional tie to that person. "Once you get past this fear, that's where your power is to let go. Become aware and look at what he was doing and what you were doing too out of fear," Maddox says. "It's easier to look at the guy and say he wasn't doing this or that. But that really isn't the whole truth."
Source : http://shine.yahoo.com/love-sex/ 

Friday, May 10, 2013

5 Bayi 'Ajaib' yang Hidup Lagi Setelah Dinyatakan Meninggal

1. Luz Milagros, hidup lagi setelah 12 jam di kamar mayat Bayi milik Analia Bouter lahir 3 bulan lebih cepat dari waktu yang seharusnya. Bayi itu pun dinyatakan meninggal saat lahir. Namun ajaibnya, 12 jam kemudian sang bayi kembali hidup meski sudah disimpan dalam lemari pendingin di kamar mayat.

Bayi mungil itu diberi nama Luz Milagros, yang artinya keajaiban kecil.

2. Jamie Ogg, hidup lagi setelah dipeluk ibunya 2 jam
Bayi Jamie Ogg lahir prematur dalam usia 27 minggu di sebuah rumah sakit di Sydney. Bayi Jamie dilahirkan kembar dengan berat hanya 900 gram bersama adik kembarnya Emily. Emily selamat, sedangkan Jamie dinyatakan meninggal setelah dokter berjuang menyelamatkannya dan tidak ada tanda-tanda kehidupan setelah 20 menit.

Dokter kemudian membungkus bayi Jamie yang sudah tak bernyawa dengan selimut dan memberikan kepada ibunya Kate Ogg. Oleh Kate, bayi Jamie yang sudah tak bernyawa ditaruhnya di dadanya sambil terus dipeluk. Pelukan Kate selama 2 jam tersebut ternyata memberikan keajaiban. Bayi Jamie mulai menunjukkan tanda-tanda kehidupan.

3. Zach Hilary, bangkit setelah jantung berhenti 39 menit Ketika jantung Zach Hilary berhenti selama 39 menit, dokter mengungkapkan bahwa orang tua harus menyiapkan kabar terburuk. Namun secara tiba-tiba jantung bocah kecil ini mulai berdetak kembali dan Zach pun dimasukkan dalam kondisi koma untuk mengurangi pembengkakan di otak.

Keluarga pun terus berharap ada keajaiban pada Zach saat ia terbaring di perawatan intensif, sekitar 4 bulan kemudian ia berhasil mencapai pemulihan.

4. Mia Rose, hidup setelah detak jantung berhenti sejak di dalam rahim Shelagh McAlpine tidak pernah berpikir bahwa ia bisa menggendong bayi mungilnya, karena 3 bulan sebelumnya dokter menyampaikan berita buruk bahwa bayinya sudah meninggal di dalam rahim. Dokter mengatakan Shelagh mengalami placental abruption yaitu kondisi plasenta yang lepas dari rahim ibu sebelum bayi lahir.

Dokter pun berusaha keras mencari kembali tanda-tanda kehidupan yang masih ada. Ajaibnya, para medis berhasil menemukan kembali tanda-tanda kehidupan. Shelagh pun segera dibawa ke ruang operasi untuk mendapatkan caesar darurat dan transfusi darah. Bayi tersebut diberi nama Mia Rose.

 5. Bayi di AS, hidup lagi setelah 90 menit tak bernapas Seorang bayi perempuan dinyakatan meninggal setelah dilahirkan oleh perempuan 20 tahun yang tidak disebutkan namanya. Bayi tersebut lahir di trotoar jalan di Toronto, AS, pada 17 Februari lalu. Saat lahir, cuaca di Toronto sangatlah dingin. Bahkan suhu pada pagi itu 5 derajat Fahrenheit.

Paramedis bergegas membawa bayi yang baru lahir ke rumah sakit terdekat. Karena tidak terlihat tanda-tanda kehidupan, bayi tersebut dinyatakan meninggal dan diletakkan dalam selimut. Dua petugas polisi yang berada di RS kemudian melihat keadaan bayi tersebut, 90 menit kemudian. Apa yang terjadi? Polisi tersebut melihat sosok bayi dalam selimut itu bergerak-gerak.

Sumber : http://health.detik.com

Borobudur (Indonesia), the Biggest Buddhist Temple in the Ninth Century

Who does not know Borobudur? This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex. Millions of people are eager to visit this building as one of the World Wonder Heritages. It is not surprising since architecturally and functionally, as the place for Buddhists to say their prayer, Borobudur is attractive.
Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom, the descendant of Sailendra dynasty. Based on Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur was a place for praying that was completed to be built on 26 May 824, almost one hundred years from the time the construction was begun. The name of Borobudur, as some people say, means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while other says that Borobudur means monastery on the high place.
Borobudur is constructed as a ten-terraces building. The height before being renovated was 42 meters and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level was used as supporting base. The first six terraces are in square form, two upper terraces are in circular form, and on top of them is the terrace where Buddha statue is located facing westward. Each terrace symbolizes the stage of human life. In line with of Buddha Mahayana, anyone who intends to reach the level of Buddha's must go through each of those life stages.
The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizes human being that are still bound by lust. The upper four stories are called Rupadhatu symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but are still bound to appearance and shape. On this terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space; while the other upper three terraces where Buddha effigies are confined in domes with wholes are called Arupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have been free from lust, appearance and shape. The top part that is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.
Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful the sculptors were. In order to understand the sequence of the stories on the relief panels, you have to walk clockwise from the entrance of the temple. The relief panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. Besides, there are relief panels describing the condition of the society by that time; for example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of navigation in Bergotta (Semarang).

A question about Borobudur that is still unanswered by far is how the condition around the temple was at the beginning of its foundation and why at the time of it's finding the temple was buried. Some hypotheses claim that Borobudur in its initial foundation was surrounded by swamps and it was buried because of Merapi explosion. It was based on Kalkutta inscription with the writing 'Amawa' that means sea of milk. The Sanskrit word was used to describe the occurrence of disaster. The sea of milk was then translated into Merapi lava. Some others say that Borobudur was buried by cold lava of Merapi Mountain.
With the existing greatness and mystery, it makes sense if many people put Borobudur in their agenda as a place worth visiting in their lives. Besides enjoying the temple, you may take a walk around the surrounding villages such as Karanganyar and Wanurejo. You can also get to the top of Kendil stone where you can enjoy Borobudur and the surrounding scenery. Please visit Borobudur temple right away

Sumber : http://www.yogyes.com/en/yogyakarta-tourism-object/candi/borobudur

Senggigi Lombok Indonesia

Senggigi is the main tourist center in Lombok and the most developed tourist area. The resort area about 10 Kilometers north of Ampenan, and about 20 minutes drive from the Lombok international Airport. Now here near as large or as busy as its Bali conterparts, Senggigi is a great base for exploring the rest of the island. Senggigi Beach - Senggigi, the renowned and the oldest resort area of Lombok and is the most sought after destination in Lombok. This beach is dotted with bars, restaurants that offer continental as well as local cuisine, cafes, souvenir shops from where you can pick up clothes/handicrafts, paintings and other sorts of gift items. The marine life is well protected by the reef. At this beach you can indulge yourself with activities, such as swimming, surfing, and snorkeling. Make a trip to this beach to have a gala time with your friends or family or spouse. The pace is very laid back, with activities centered around the beaches and day trips to places of interest, which are all with in few hours drive from the town.
At night dine in the many restaurants catering to all tastest and budgets, listen the live music at the cafes or Bars or dance the night away at the night clubs.

Senggigi is the large bay that forms the center of Senggigi, with the main road running parrarel to the beach, and large resorts occupying the space between.

The beach provides picturesque views of Bali's Agung Mountain to the west and stunning sunsets with the volacano silhouetted on the horizon.
The main road in Senggigi is lined with small shops, Restaurants, Bars, Travel agencies and Night Clubs. There are couple of supermarkets, numerous ATM's and Money Changers, Post office and all as ussual tourist facilities. Senggigi is a relaxing place to stay, with a good range of luxury hotels and resorts, as well as mid range and budget accommodations.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Everything you Need to Know about Kuta Bali Beach

Located on the western side of the island's narrow isthmus, Kuta Beach is Bali's most famous beach resort destination. Kuta Beach is also minutes away from the Ngurah Rai International Airport in Tuban. The nearby resorts of Tuban, Legian and Seminyak are all within close walking distance.
Once a simple, rustic and quiet fishing village, Kuta Beach has witnessed a transformation over the past years due to the rise of various accommodations, dining and shopping options. The rapid growth owes much to visitors, beachcombers and art lovers from nearby Australia. Expatriates also helped pioneer surfing in Kuta, as well.
Although a rather frenzied traffic scene has become commonplace here, Kuta Beach continues to attract thousands of visitors every year with its unique charm. During the peak season from July to August and the holiday season for Christmas and New Year, Kuta Beach is regularly fully-booked by travellers looking forward to a pleasant and
affordable Bali escape.

Sumber : bali-indonesia.com